Genome-wide association analysis reveals novel candidate loci and a gene regulating tiller number in orchardgrass.
2024年10月15日 10:39


发表期刊:Plant Physiology and Biochemistry


作者:Xiaoheng Xu†, Peng Li†, Shunfeng Li, Guangyan Feng, Miaoli Wang, Zhongfu Yang, Gang Nie, Linkai Huang*, Xinquan Zhang*.


Tillers arespecializedlateral shootsarising from axillary budsat basal nodes, and are alsoan important agronomic traitthatdetermines the aboveground biomass and grain yield ofvarious gramineouscrops. So far, few genes have been reported to control tiller formationand mosthave been inthe annual crop rice (Oryza sativa).Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) is an important perennial foragecropwith great economic and ecological value, but its genesregulatingtillering haveremainedlargely unknown.Inthe presentstudy, weuseda natural population of 264 global orchardgrass germplasms to determinegenes associated withquantitative variation in tiller numberthroughgenome-wide association studyanalysis. A total of 19 putative loci and 55 genes associated with tiller number werethusidentified. Additionally,26 putativedifferentially expressed genes with tiller number,includingDgCYC-C1,wereidentifiedby RNA-seq and genome-wide association study analysis.DgCYC-C1whichisinvolved in cell division,was overexpressed, revealing thatDgCYC-C1positively regulates tiller number.Theseresults provide some new candidate genes or locifor the improvement of tiller number incrops, which mightadvancenew sustainable strategies to meet global crop production challenges.

Keywords:Tiller number,genome-wide association study,DgCYC-C1, orchardgrass