Chromosome-specific painting reveals the origin of the Y genome and chromosome rearrangements of the St genome in Triticeae
2024年09月09日 14:11


发表期刊:Plant Physiology

作者:Chen C, Zhang X, LiYL, Zou BC, Xiao H, Han YS, YangXZ, Wu DD, Sha LN, Yang CR, Liu SQ, Cheng YR, Wang Y, Kang HY, Fan X, Zhou YH, Zhang P, Chen ZH, Zhang T*, Zhang HQ*.


Karyotypes provide key cytogenetic information on phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary origins in related plant species.The St genome ofPseudoroegneriacontributes to eightalloploid genera, representing over half of the speciesthatare highly valuable for wheat(Triticum aestivum)breeding and for understanding Triticeae species evolution. However, Stchromosome characterization is challenging due tolimited cytogenetic markers and DNA information.We developed a complete set ofSt genome-specificchromosomepainting probes foridentification of the individual chromosomes 1St to 7St based on thegenomesequences ofPse. libanoticaand wheat.Werevealedtheconservation ofSt chromosomes in St-containing speciesby chromosome painting,includingPseudoroegneria,Roegneria,Elymus, andCampeiostachys.Notably, the Y genome showedhybridization signals,albeitweaker than those of the St genome.The awnless species harboring the Y genomeexhibited moreintensehybridization signals compare to theawnedspecies inRoegneriaandCampeiostachys, yet weaker than thehybridization signals oftheSt genome inautotetraploidPse. strigosa.Althoughawnless specieswere morphologically more similarto each other,phenotypic divergence progressively increased fromawnless toawned species.Our resultsindicatethat theYgenome originated from theStgenome andshed light onthe possible origin of theRoegneriaandCampeiostachysspecies,enhancingour understanding of St-genome-containing species evolution.