谢哲倪,特聘副教授,硕士生导师。2022年以“优秀人才”引进四川农业大学任教。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家博士后资助计划(B类)及四川省博士后特别资助项目,参与国家农业重大科技课题1项,在Plant Physiology、Horticulture Research、Journal of Experimental Botany、Biotechnology for Biofuels等期刊发表SCI论文10篇。
2014.09---2021.12 南京农业大学,草学,博士
2010.09---2014.06 河北农业大学,草业科学,学士
2019.10---2021.04 美国罗格斯州立大学 联合培养博士
2018.01---2018.02 美国威斯康辛大学 访学博士生
2022.11-至今 四川农业大学,草业科技学院,特聘副教授
(3)国家自然科学基金面上项目,CRISPR/Cas9编辑LpNOL启动子中关键热响应元件创制耐热多年生黑麦草新种质研究;2020/01 -2023/12,58万元,参与。
1.徐彬,谢哲倪,余国辉;一种延缓叶片衰老的柳枝稷基因PvC3H29及其应用, 2018-02-01,中国, ZL201810101487.0.
2.徐彬,余国辉,谢哲倪;一种抑制叶片衰老的转录因子基因 LpNACL及其应用, 2018-02-02,中国, ZL201810104532.8.
1. Xie Z†, Yu G†, Lei S, Wang H, Xu Bin (2022) STRONG STAYGREEN inhibits DNA binding of PvNAP transcription factors during leaf senescence in switchgrass. Plant Physiology 190: 2045-2058 (Q1, IF2022= 8.005)
2. Xie Z, Yu G, Lei S, Zhang C, Xu B, Huang B (2021) CCCH protein-PvCCCH69 acted as a repressor for leaf senescence through suppressing ABA-signaling pathway. Horticulture Research 8:1-14 (Q1, IF2022= 7.291)
3. Xie Z, Lin W, Yu G, Cheng Q, Xu B, Huang B (2019) Improved cold tolerance in switchgrass by a novel CCCH-type zinc finger transcription factor gene, PvC3H72, associated with ICE1-CBF-COR regulon and ABA-responsive genes. Biotechnology for Biofuels 12:1-11 (Q1, IF2022=7.670)
4. Yu G, Xie Z, Lei S, Li H, Xu B, Huang B (2022). The NAC factor LpNAL delays leaf senescence by repressing two chlorophyll catabolic genes in perennial ryegrass. Plant Physiology189:595-610 (Q1, IF2022= 8.005)
5. Yu G, Xie Z, Chen W, Xu B, Huang B (2022) Knock down of NON-YELLOW COLOURING 1-like gene or chlorophyllin application enhanced chlorophyll accumulation with antioxidant roles in suppressing heat-induced leaf senescence in perennial ryegrass.
Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 429-444
6. Yu G, Xie Z, Zhang J, Lei S, Lin W, Xu B, Huang B (2021) NOL-mediated functional stay-green traits in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) involving multifaceted molecular factors and metabolic pathways regulating leaf senescence. Plant Journal 106:1219-1232
7. Xu B, Yu G, Li H, Xie Z, Wen W, Zhang J, et al (2018) Knockdown of staygreen in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) leads to transcriptomic alterations related to suppressed leaf senescence and improved forage quality. Plant and Cell Physiology 60:202-212
8. Wen W, Xie Z, Yu G, Zhao C, Zhang J, Huang L, et al (2018) Switchgrass pvdreb1c plays opposite roles in plant cold and salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Hereditas 155:1-12
9. Yu G, Cheng Q, Xie Z, Xu B, Huang B, Zhao B (2017) An efficient protocol for perennial ryegrass mesophyll protoplast isolation and transformation, and its application on interaction study between LpNOL and LpNYCl. Plant Methods 13:1-8
10. Yuan S, Xu B, Zhang J, Xie Z, Cheng Q, et al (2015) Comprehensive analysis of CCCH-type zinc finger family genes facilitates functional gene discovery and reflects recent allopolyploidization event in tetraploid switchgrass. BMC Genomics 16:1-16
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